Our pledge is to be accountable, effective and efficient for the children and communities we serve, and for our donors.

100% of all the funds derived from our participation in the various affiliate programs (e.g., Amazon, GoodShop, Groupon), are donated directly to rehabilitate children who have been rescued from sex trafficking, in the San Francisco Bay Area.  We plan to extend this support to safe houses located in all fifty states. 

One Bread Foundation’s approach to accountability is based on five pillars:

• Our Organization’s Christian Commitments
• Our Commitment to Serving Children and Communities
• Our Determination to be Faithful Stewards
• Ongoing Reflection and Learning
• Transparency

Financial Accountability Report

Accountability is one of the One Bread Foundation’s four partnership principles, an essential ingredient in achieving the over-arching Child Well-being Aspirations, Outcomes and Targets.

One Bread Foundation’s leadership team has provided additional impetus, sharpening our understanding of the many dimensions of accountability and identifying areas for improvement.  A Financial Accountability Report is required to be submitted by our Treasurer or Chief Financial Officer for internal review by our Board of Directors.  As we continue to grow and expand, the review will be conducted by an independent panel of experts or a CPA firm.

One Bread Foundation is currently devoting particular attention to key projects relating to:

• Accountability to Children and Communities:  Making sure community members are able to give feedback about the services they receive from the One Bread Foundation. 
• Transparency:  Improving accountability reporting and disclosure of information on operations and finances.
• Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
• Anti-Corruption

Request a copy of our latest Financial/Impact Report, by email: Mark Rogers, CFO